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Regain Command of your Medical Decision-Making

AgeMed Asia Medical Education and Certification Program

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    The AgeMed Asia certification program offers


    Module 1

    Online study module begins immediately — gaining proficiency in the essential knowledge of Age Management Medicine — culminating in a proficiency exam.


    Module 2

    2-day live interactive training — moving you to a higher level of understanding via case studies and interactive discussions.
    1 ticket to attend relevant HEAT Anti-aging Congress (On-site learning).


    Module 3

    Comprehensive final exam—web-based and case-focused. Three highly progressive and well-developed modules — deliver the insights, research, and protocols you’ll need to advance your practice in this outstanding, patient-centered, life-transforming medical specialty

    Our Mission:

    AgeMed Asia’s Training and Certification in Age Management Medicine is a multidisciplinary, advanced course covering foundational principles and progressive tools to help the age management medicine clinician stay on top of this rapidly evolving specialty.
    At the heart of AgeMed Asia is a passion—producing educational events that go well beyond the status quo. Balanced, diversified, inspirational, invigorating, interactive, and challenging.

    • Certification
    • Membership
    • Live Events
    • Online Courses
    • Consistent Learning Pathways
    • Improving Physician Education

    Meet Our supporting Doctors

    A New Standard of Healthcare

    What Makes Age Management Medicine Different?

    Age Management Medicine is a revolutionary healthcare practice that goes beyond treating disease; it aims to bring complete, lasting health and vitality into patients’ lives.
    By utilizing precision medicine techniques alongside cutting-edge technologies, this powerful specialty gives individuals an opportunity to delay or stave off degenerative aging and experience tangible changes for the better.
    Age Management Medicine stands as one of the highest standards in 21st-century medical care around the world.

    Earn 82 AMA Credits

    •3 Flexible Modules
    • Online and Onsite learning / Exams (3 attempts)
    • 2 years time to complete
    •1 complimentary International Age Management Congress in Asia (HEAT Bangkok)
    •2 years of AMMG Membership

    FULL CERTIfication

    AgeMed Asia’s Training and Certification Program

    Module 1

    Essential Knowledge in Age Management Medicine


    Module 2

    Two day On-Site learning, August 13th to 14th in Bangkok, for candidates who have passed the Module 1 examination.


    Module 3

    Comprehensive, web-based, case-focused examination is based on all the materials presented in both Modules 1 and 2.


    Deliver Preventive Medicine

    Help patients live healthier, more productive lives with proactive, preventive health care.

    Improve Relationships with Patients

    Restore a vital doctor-patient relationship with health-centered, patient-focused medical treatment.

    Stay on Top of Research & Treatments

    Access solid science with evidence-based protocols that are receiving global acceptance.

    Get More Satisfaction from Practicing Medicine

    Build a practice with highly motivated patients and receive personal satisfaction.

    Special discounts for Members

    Educational workshops and conferences as an active AMMG-Asia member

    0 +
    0 +

    Professional Psychology Therapy Service You Can Choose


    Common asked questions

    No, there is no expiration or time to complete the 3 modules. We understand that physicians are busy working full time positions and have very busy schedules. How long does does it take to complete the course? Module 1 takes at least a total of 35 hours to complete. Often more depending on the physician’s current knowledge of age management medicine. Module 2 is two full days in a classroom setting with the AgeMed Asia faculty going through didactics. Module 3 takes a couple of hours to complete, once the physician is properly prepared and engaged.

    AgeMed Asia provides a study guide that highlights the most important topics to focus on.

    Module 1 is comprehensive, there are about 40 videos to watch, we recommend watching 1 to 2 videos daily and reading Age Management Medicine volume 1 and 2 in concert with the videos. The books will take some time to finish. AgeMed Asia Training & Certification in Age Management Medicine a multidisciplinary, advanced training covering foundational principles and progressive tools to help the Age Management Medicine clinician gain knowledge to stay on the leading edge of this rapidly evolving, ever-expanding medical specialty. It’s an exceptional program, marked by its contributing experts from a vast variety of medical fields including hormones, nutrition, diet, exercise and patient assessment. AgeMed Asia also provides information about the latest applications for 21st century clinical innovations such as genetic testing and personalized, precision medicine. Real case studies/situations are reviewed in problem-solving, round table discussions.

    $5,900 USD

    No, we allow you to take the exam 3 times with no penalty.

    The fee for the whole Certification program is $5,900 USD. Once you have completed all 3 modules you will receive your Certification and 82 AMA Credits, 2 years of AMMG Membership and 1 complimentary conference. Graduates will receive a distinctive AMMG certification logo, which can be used on their website and marketing materials.